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About Me

Anna Cleary Ikin MSc BSc (Hons) CSci FIBMS MBANT - Biomedic Nutritionist® - Registered Nutritional Therapist

Family Health

Wellbeing and Quality of Life

including complex and unresolved issues, Histamine Intolerance, methylation, mast cell function, fatigue, post viral fatigue, gut health and allergies.

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I love living by our beautiful Wirral coast. There is no better lifestyle medicine than getting out in the daylight, summer or winter, getting some valuable vitamin D, exercise and building up an appetite for a good nutritious meal. Nor any better place to provide Nutritional Therapy and Lifestyle support than on our beautiful Wirral peninsular. 

On an everyday basis our health can be supported and I have made investments in mine. Not only is our internal health and well-being important, our outward connection with the world is also important too in how we feel about ourselves.

It is from my own health experiences that I have developed knowledge and insight which I can use to support health. Brought about by my own longer term health journey I have managed daily fatigue, long term fatigue, post viral fatigue, histamine intolerance, supporting methylation and mast cell function, and considered my own genetic response to nutrients. I have insight, and understanding, and importantly my own health experiences and ways of navigating in the world in these areas. I am able to understand others' and the impact of those conditions in daily life.


I have a 27 year journey in Biomedical Science. When I first put on my lab coat to work in Pathology with the desire to help patients, each day was a deep dive into the complexities of the human body, amidst biopsies and microscopes. I was involved in the intricacies of disease, the importance of precise diagnosis, and the profound impact of Biomedical Science on patient care. My work behind-the-scenes has played a critical role in patient diagnosis and treatment, demanding precision, dedication and unwavering commitment to high standards of scientific excellence.

During those years I witnessed firsthand the effects of how diet and lifestyle could affect health outcomes. I became increasingly drawn to the field of nutrition, lifestyle medicine, health, wellness and quality of life, with a focus on supporting health and prevention of disease. This has led me to move my journey away from the laboratory and now study Nutrition and Dietetics, alongside practising Nutritional Therapy, to further my knowledge and skills and aim to further impact health, wellbeing and quality of life.


Combining my scientific and biomedical background with the therapeutic application of nutrients, along with my experience in mental health gives me an insight into how the body works, how and why pathophysiology presents and how nutrition plays a role. I have developed an in-depth knowledge and expertise and remain up to date with evidence based practice and I have also studied histamine intolerance in-depth during my Nutritional Therapy Master’s degree and completed my Masters dissertation on 'Experiences of Living with Histamine Intolerance'.

I would like to be in a position to provide advice not only from what I have learnt but also from those experiences, and I also try to follow positive lifestyle with as much nutritious food and activity as I can.


I keep myself busy and active, in support of mental health and education, which is very rewarding. I also love dog walks, cooking many meals with different ingredients to cater for my own diet, and spending time getting outdoors visiting many areas of our beautiful Wirral coast, everything of which I love to photograph using natural light. All the photographs on my website are my own and if you see shadows in my pictures then that’s the way the sun was shining.

I speak with many people about achieving good health and balance in all aspects of life, and unless illness appears I have found there is never a right time to start on a journey to wellness. The best time to start is in each moment, enjoying life, meals, socialising, with family, friends and with ourselves for the best company we can have.

A kind approach is often all that is needed to get started in support of a wide range of health conditions. We should be kind to ourselves for the journey we have been through up to now, and kind moving forward. 


If you need help to set intentions and progress on your journey to wellness I am available online, from the comfort of your own home, from anywhere in UK or worldwide. You can also find me on social media

@BiomedicNutritionist FB IG 

@WirralNutritionist FB IG

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